We were pleased to welcome back our old friends The Two Nicks, A joyous evening started with a music workshop where Nick taught one of his own compositions. There followed two sets of melodious playing to a packed dance floor, with an interval from our own musicians. The Two Nicks’ music has its roots in Brittany, France, Sweden and the British Isles, with distinctive and driving interpretations of French dance music, alongside a captivating repertoire of self-penned compositions inspired by folk dance, played on mandolin, tenor guitar and diatonic button accordion. Nick Wiseman-Ellis and Nic Zuppardi have been performing together for over ten years, with concerts at festivals and folk clubs across the UK and abroad. They have previously performed at Sweden’s Umefolk Festival, Skint, and Ethno Histria, alongside being finalists in the Swedish Young Folk Band of the Year with fiddle player Ida Meidell-Blylod. Based in Germany, Nick Wiseman-Ellis performs with German trio Iontach, and has led melodeon workshops in Germany, Sweden and Finland. Nic Zuppardi currently performs with The Georgia Shackleton Trio and old time duo Clark and Zuppardi, as well as regularly teaching and leading workshops on the mandolin.